School Uniform
We encourage the children to wear school uniform to give a sense of belonging and to raise community awareness. It is intended to be smart, distinctive and versatile. High standards of dress help to promote high standards in other areas and being well prepared for school with suitable clothing and footwear supports effective teaching and learning.
Please ask in the school office for details of places to buy uniform from or access to pre-owned uniform. The PTFA aslo provide quality pre-owned uniform at different times of the school year.
The uniform consists of the following:
- School yellow polo shirt with school emblem
- School blue sweatshirt or cardigan with school emblem
- Grey skirt or pinafore
- Grey trousers
- Blue checked gingham dress for summer
- White or grey socks
- Grey tights for winter
- Smart black shoes (not boots)

- School yellow polo shirt with school emblem
- School blue sweatshirt with school emblem
- Grey trousers or shorts
- Grey socks
- Smart black shoes (not trainers)
- School yellow (round necked) t-shirt with school emblem
- Black shorts
- Black pumps or a clean pair of indoor trainers
- A pair of trainers for use outside on the playground or on the gravel pitch
Safe sensible footwear is most important and dark, plain school shoes are needed: no trainers (including all black trainers), slip-ons, platformed or high-heeled shoes are allowed. Children should not wear boots or wellies in school (including Ugg style boots) but can change into their school shoes when they arrive.
Hair should be smart, cut/arranged in a conventional style without streaks, bleaches, colouring. Extremes of hairstyle including "tram lines" or “sculptured” hair are not permitted. A water based hair gel is permissible with short hair to give a smart appearance. Other gels are not permitted for reasons of safety. Considering health and safety as well as practicality, long hair must be tied back or arranged in a style that achieves the same result.
Personal Belongings
To avoid wasting precious time at the start of P.E. and swimming lessons, it is essential that no jewellery, including rings, necklaces and bracelets should be worn to school. Watches, and studs in pierced ears are permitted, providing your child is able to remove and replace them unaided before and after P.E. The school accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to watches or studs. Children who wish to have their ears pierced should have them pierced at the start of the summer holidays so that they will have healed fully by the start of the new Autumn term.
Swimming Kit
Boys are expected to wear swimming trunks and not shorts. Girls should wear a well fitting one piece swimsuit and a swimming cap. A towel and a water proof bag are also required. Please check that wet towels and swimsuits are being returned home on the same day.