Our curriculum is tailored to the unique needs of our pupils through a balance of our own personalised plans and published schemes. Where published schemes are used, they are adapted to best suit the needs of our pupils and are incorporated into our own medium term plans, which set out the knowledge and skills that children will learn over time.
Home reading texts |
Pearson Bug Club, Pearson Phonics Bug, Collins Big Cats and Oxford Reading Tree., Project X. |
Guided reading texts |
CLPE Power of Reading texts, Reading Plus for year 5 and 6 |
Writing |
Talk for Writing |
Spelling |
Headstart |
Handwriting |
ISHA Approach to teaching handwriting |
Grammar |
SPAG.com |
Phonics |
Twinkl Phonics |
Maths |
White Rose, NW Turing Maths Hub, Mastering Fluency, Timestables Rock Stars |
Computing |
DBPrimary computing |
Science and DT |
STEM partnership, High and primary school partnership |
RE |
Tameside SACRE, Tameside RE syllabus, RE Today, understanding Christianity |
HeartSmart |
Humanities: Geography and history | National Geographic society, Tameside Project loans |
PE |
Tameside Active Sports Partnership, Stockport County partnership, Denton Community College |
Twinkl French |
Music | Tameside music services, Charanga music |
Specialist teaching resources |
Toe by Toe, Numicon, Speech Leap, NELI
Curriculum newsletters are shared with families on the school website, each term and sent out via SeeSaw and/or Parentmail. Paper copies are availble upon request from the school office.
The following National Curriculum subjects are taught: