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Holy Trinity Church

Celebrating Holy Trinity Church being 150 years old

The school community celebrated with the church community their 150th anniversary in May 2024, for a week of special services and activities. The headteacher, parents and children joined in the Service of Celebration and Thanksgiving where the church clock was rededicated and was followed by a wonderful meal shared by all.

Every pupil was able to experience a 'walk through time' where they were able to explore the history of the church, search for carved mice on the 'Mice Trail' and even try the church bells and play the organ. On the Saturday, the church community welcomed everyone to a Family Fun afternoon. This involved a BBQ, refreshments, live music, a Dog Show and fun 'n games. A brilliant time was had by all!

The week ended with a special 'Songs of Praise' service with Jonathan French and James Halstead.


Harvest services took place in church in October and it was lovely to that families were able to join in with them. The food donations were gratefully received by local foodbanks. Year 5 and 6 also raised money through cake sales to support Tearfund and child based cancer support.


See the source imageHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II - 2022

Children were able to visit the church to have reflection time to mark the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The church was open for families to visit, to light a candle, wriite a message in ther book of condolences and to pray.

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Christmas Prayers and Letters of Hope to the Church Community

7th December 2020

Thank you SO much for the lovely Nativity figures, prayers of hope and the Y6 Christmas cards for the Thursday Club. I was overwhelmed!

The pictures add so much to the Nativity Trail along the driveway and is already being visited and appreciated. Some of the prayers have gone on the Tree of Hope outside and the rest are adorning the inside tree - both of which are amazing. The prayers are really thought-provoking and brought a tear to my eye!

I keep hearing from people in the community who have received a card or decoration from children at school. It's appreciated so much. Well done for all your thoughtfulness and hard work.

You're all very much in our prayers. Looking forward to seeing you all on 16th December at church.

Many thanks again,


outside church 2020
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