Gee Cross Holy Trinity Primary School is committed to equality. We try to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and has equality of opportunity. We also work to develop good relations between people from different groups. We recognise that in wider society, people are not always treated fairly. We try to make sure that our school is a safe and secure place for everyone. We do not tolerate unfair treatment of any kind.
We recognise that people have different needs and we understand that treating people equally does not always involve treating them all the same. When people face particular difficulties they may need extra support to help them achieve success and we try to do this for people in our school community.
We also try to make sure that people from different groups are consulted and involved in our decisions, for example through talking to pupils and families.
Public bodies, including local authority maintained schools, are covered by the public sector equality duty in the Equality Act 2010. We are asked to set equality objectives and to make sure we review our progress every year and let people know how we are getting on. View our Accessibility Policy and our Equality Policy and Scheme below.
Equality objectives 2019-2023
* To ensure representation of people with a disability in policy / decision making groups. |
* To involve the Equality Working Party and ensure that it is involved in school decision making processes. |
* To monitor the progress of all pupils through tracking systems and to put in place appropriate strategies / support. |
* To review the school transition procedures that supports transition into the school and at all stages within the school, including movement away to High School. |
* To review and monitor the school Sex and Relationships Policy and scheme of work to ensure that the policy promotes the objectives of the Equality Scheme. |
* To work collaboratively with Chester Diocese cluster, the Tame Valley Partnership (Manchester University) and the Hyde Headteacher’s Cluster to promote inclusion through a variety of teaching and learning opportunities; and promote community cohesion which reflects our core purpose. |
* To promote equality of opportunity for all pupils, when considering and working on building refurbishments and building projects. e.g. lift access, EYFS. |
* To consider and obtain appropriate IT resources and furniture in learning areas to provide best accommodation for all pupils and staff. |
*To ensure equal opportunity for all pupils to access music enrichment, workshops, themed days and sporting events. |