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Equality objectives 2019-2023


* To ensure representation of people with a disability in policy / decision making groups.

* To involve the Equality Working Party and ensure that it is involved in school decision making processes.

* To monitor the progress of all pupils through tracking systems and to put in place appropriate strategies / support.

* To review the school transition procedures that supports transition into the school and at all stages within the school, including movement away to High School.

* To review and monitor the school Sex and Relationships Policy and scheme of work to ensure that the policy promotes the objectives of the Equality Scheme.

* To work collaboratively with Chester Diocese cluster, the Tame Valley Partnership (Manchester University) and the Hyde Headteacher’s Cluster to promote inclusion through a variety of teaching and learning opportunities; and promote community cohesion which reflects our core purpose.

* To promote equality of opportunity for all pupils, when considering and working on building refurbishments and building projects. e.g. lift access, EYFS.

* To consider and obtain appropriate IT resources and furniture in learning areas to provide best accommodation for all pupils and staff.

*To ensure equal opportunity for all pupils to access music enrichment, workshops, themed days and sporting events.

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